10 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Acne


Homeopathy offers very safe and natural treatment for acne. It works internally for acne in a very gentle and effective way, without any harsh external applications. Rather than suppress acne, these medicines treat the condition at the root. These medicines, which are safe from any adverse side effects, are prescribed after a thorough in-depth analysis of symptoms.

List of Homeopathic Medicine for Acne

1. Psorinum – For All Types of Acne

Psorinum is indicated for acne of all types – acne simplex, acne pustular and acne indurata. It is equally effective for acne in oily skin where the overactive sebaceous glands secrete excess sebum leaving the skin constantly greasy. Here Psorinum helps decrease oil secretion and treat acne. It is used in cases of conditions that worsen from eating sweets, chocolates, meat, and fatty food. It also treats intolerably itchy acne and that which worsens during the winter.

2. Hepar Sulph and Calcarea Sulphurica – For Acne that is Pustular

Pustular acne refers to acne that contains pus. The pus may sometimes be stained with blood. Where pus or bloodstained pus oozes out of pimples, Hepar Sulph will be effective. The pimples may be extremely painful here. Acne in youth is also best treated with Hepar Sulph. Calcarea Sulphurica is most helpful where pustular acne oozes yellow colored pus.

3. Kali Bromatum – For Face, Chest, and Shoulders

Kali Bromatum works wonders in treating acne located on the face, chest, and shoulders. Marked itching may attend the acne. The acne may be simplex, pustular or indurated. Kali Bromatum is also prescribed where acne leaves ugly scars. Bluish-red pimples are a sure shot sign that Kali Bromatum will work.

4. Antimonium Crudum and Natrum Mur – For Acne on Cheeks

In case of heat in the cheeks along with acne, Antimonium Crudum aids fast recovery. The acne may be papular or pustular. Yellow scabs may cover the acne. A burning sensation is another complaint. Natrum Mur will show best results in itchy acne on oily cheeks. Prickling pain in the acne is complained of. Natrum Mur is also prescribed for acne in girls who are anemic.

5. Sulphur – For Itchy Acne

Sulphur is advised for people with dirty, unhealthy looking skin covered in acne that itch a lot. Scratching worsens the itching. The itching gets aggravated during the night. Warmth, too, worsens the itching. Burning sensation may also be observed. Sulphur is also a good choice for acne that has been treated with external applications or ointments in the past.

6. Silicea – For Acne on Forehead

For acne on forehead, Silicea brings about quick recovery. It works even better for pustular acne. Itching may attend the acne. Excessive sweat may be noticed along with acne on the face, especially the forehead. It is also a wonderful medicine for cystic acne.

7. Berberis Aquifolium – To Erase Acne Scars

Berberis Aquifolium is one of the majorly indicated medicines for acne that result in the formation of scars. This medicine helps clear off acne scars wonderfully well.

8. Bovista Lycoperdon – For Acne made Worse with Make-Up

Bovista Lycoperdon is the most significant remedy that offers help in treating acne that arise or worsen with the use of cosmetic products. This acne is mainly papular. Swelling of cheeks may be noted along with the acne. Pain and itching may attend.

9. Nux Vomica – For Acne Attended with Gastric Complaints

Nux Vomica works well for acne when it is attended with gastric complaints. The gastric complaint is mainly due to chronic constipation or indigestion. The acne may be itchy and accompanied by a burning sensation.

10. Pulsatilla Nigricans – For Acne in Women

Pulsatilla Nigricans is a very well indicated remedy for acne in women, especially when attended with menstrual irregularities of any kind. Acne occurring in young girls at puberty is another characteristic indication. Acne worsened with consumption of fatty foods will also heal effectively with Pulsatilla Nigricans.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is acne?

Acne, better known as pimples, is a common skin condition deeply affecting the teens. Its emotional impact is severe, ranging from distress to poor self-image and self-esteem. The cause of acne: clogging of pores with dead skin cells and oil (sebum). Acne may be mild to severe in nature. Severe acne often leads to the formation of scars.

2. Why do we get acne at all?

The primary cause of acne is the rise in the level of hormone androgen in the body. Androgen levels rise around the age of adolescence. Androgen activates the sebaceous (oil) glands under the skin and makes them grow bigger and produce excess oil. The hair follicles get plugged with this oil and dead skin cells, giving the bacteria a chance to thrive and cause acne. The medical term for acne is acne vulgaris.

3. Stress causes acne, but can chocolates too lead to a break-out?

Yes, many factors can trigger acne. Stress, dietary factors such as dairy and chocolates, oil-based skin cosmetics, loss of sleep, hormonal changes, irregular menstrual cycles, drugs like cortisone and hormone replacement pills are a few.

4. At what point do we need to seek medical advice?

Acne or pimples are normal among teens and do not need medical attention as long as they are small and do not have attending symptoms. These usually clear off on their own. However, if the acne is large, severe, pustular, itchy, very painful and are leaving scars, it’s time to consult a skin doctor.

5. Can adults, too, get acne?

Acne begins around puberty and get worse during adolescence. The 12-25 year age-group is most vulnerable with an 80-90% chance of getting acne. Yet, acne before puberty is not unheard of. Also, there are those who continue to suffer this condition way past their teens and through their adult years. Hormone imbalance is usually the culprit.

6. My mother had acne, does that mean I, too, will have it?

Yes, heredity does influence acne to an extent. A person having a positive family history of acne has an 80% chance of getting acne. There is also, however, the 20% chance that he may not get it. Acne is caused by the enlargement of sebaceous glands under the influence of androgens, mainly during adolescence.

7. Is acne infectious?

Acne is not infectious. In other words, direct or indirect contact with a person with acne or pimples will not pass on the condition.

8. Does acne affect only the face?

Acne basically affects the areas of skin with a higher number of oil glands. Therefore, the major sites for acne are the face, shoulders, upper chest and back.

9. What are the different types of acne?

The different types of acne are papular acne, pustular acne, cystic acne, nodular acne, comedones, blackheads, and whiteheads. Papular acne includes small, pink colored lesions. Pustular acne is filled with pus. Cystic acne is acne where the infection goes deep into the skin and forms a painful bump filled with pus under the skin. Nodular acne is hard, large and painful acne. Comedones acne is basically clogged hair follicles. A comedo can turn into a whitehead or a blackhead. Open comedo with its opening on the skin surface is called a blackhead. A closed comedo with its opening beneath the skin surface is a white head.

10. Does acne always itch?

Acne can be itchy, but not in each and every case. Mainly, cystic acne is known to itch.

11. Can hair dandruff cause acne?

Dandruff is a condition characterised by flakes on the scalp. Dandruff may arise due to excessively dry or excessively oily scalp. When these flakes shed off and fall on the face, they can clog pores and cause pimples. However, such pimples are mostly found in the forehead region.

12. Can lack of sleep give me acne?

Lack of sleep is linked to acne, though it is not directly a cause. Sleep deprivation leads to stress that causes cortisol levels to rise, which in turn makes the skin produce more sebum, resulting in acne.13.

13. How is stress related to acne?

Stress does trigger acne. A stressful mind causes hormonal fluctuation that leads to increased production of oil by the sebaceous glands. The result is an acne break-out.

14. What makes women more likely to get pimples or acne?

The androgen hormone which mainly causes acne rises during adolescence. In women, however, several other hormonal changes take place during menses, pregnancy and menopause, all of which have the potential to set off acne.

15. Can eating junk food worsen acne?

The relationship between diet and acne is not yet clear, but some evidence supports that certain food products can worsen acne. These are high glycemic products and dairy. High glycemic products break down quickly and are rapidly absorbed, resulting in high blood sugar. The spike in blood sugar levels can lead to inflammation which can cause acne. Also, it can affect hormone levels which, in turn, affect the activity of oil glands in the skin and lead to acne.

16. Do gastric problems have anything to do with acne?

Yes, gastric issues can trigger acne. Therefore, Homeopathy does take gastric complaints seriously and deals with them as part of acne treatment.

17. My cheeks are red with acne, what does that indicate?

Red cheeks usually attend acne vulgaris in case of inflammatory acne. However, this may be a symptom of acne rosacea as well. A visit to a dermatologist may help to reach a conclusive analysis in such a case.

18. Will taking vitamin or mineral supplements help manage acne?

Yes, taking vitamins and minerals daily can help manage acne. But they are not substitutes for medicines. They can manage acne, not treat it. Vitamin A, vitamin E and zinc are helpful supplements. These can be taken along with natural medicines, but strictly in doses prescribed by a qualified physician.

19. Doctors often prescribe antibiotics. Can antibiotics treat my acne?

Antibiotics cannot treat acne, though they can reduce infection. They are mainly helpful in inflammatory acne.

20. How about ointments?

Ointments may temporarily reduce the inflammation, pain, and itching in acne. But acne will only be treated when the root cause is identified and addressed. Homeopathy works from the inside out to treat acne, treating several causative conditions along the way to prevent recurrence of the condition.

21. For acne in young girls, which are the best medicines?

Pulsatilla Nigricans is a well-known medicine for acne in young girls. This medicine can be used for acne in young girls around puberty. It is equally useful for acne vulgaris in girls with irregular periods.

22. Men deal with acne as well. Can the same medicines be used to treat acne in men?

Most definitely. Homeopathy works just as well in men dealing with acne. What will work for women will work for men as well. General medicines like Sulphur, Hepar Sulph and Kali Bromatum are used based on specific symptoms. For itchy pimples, Sulphur is the best choice, while for pustular and painful acne, Hepar Sulph shows better results. For acne of face, chest and shoulders, sometimes with ugly scars, Kali Bromatum is considered the best prescription for both men and women.

23. Will treating blackheads help my condition?

Yes, clearing out blackheads in time can prevent acne. For treating blackheads, Homeopathy essentially falls back on medicines Sulphur and Eugenia Jambosa.

24. I usually get a pimple breakout just before my menstrual cycle. How can Homeopathy help?

Sepia is the most effective treatment option for acne vulgaris in women before menses. For acne during menses, Dulcamara will offer relief.

25. Can lifestyle changes help us get rid of acne?

Increased water intake, reduced stress levels, a sound sleep, avoiding scratching the acne, cleaning the face 2-3 times a day are minor everyday changes that can hasten recovery from acne. Diet management also has a role to play in acne management. Cutting down on dairy and sugar, for example, are minor changes that go a long way in treating and preventing acne


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